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Thursday, February 12, 2015

So JuSt WhAt Is TeAcHeR LeAdErShiP?

     When I think of Teacher Leaders, several thoughts run through my mind.  Some of my thoughts are not that positive. Having been a teacher for what seems like forever, I have met up with many types of teacher leaders.  Two extreme teacher leader types come to mind, the teacher that is bossy and overpowering.  This type of leader will obviously be met with much opposition.   
    As teacher leaders, we need to be role models to our peers.  Leaders should be a provider of resources, a curriculum specialist, a mentor, a learning facilitator, as well as be a catalyst for change.  These are huge roles for teacher leaders to fill.  I have a special friend that is the epitome of what a teacher leader needs to be.  This friend just so happens to have been the Instructional Facilitator at my school.  This lady is everything that a teacher leader needs to be.  I must admit that there were times that I did not like what this person suggested we try as a grade level or school.  However, after getting to know her well, I realized that she only wanted the best for our students and if I would try what she suggested then more than likely I would experiences success.
     Ultimately, this is what teachers want.  These leaders want successes for our students and teachers.